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Live auctions take place at 6:00 pm, with an average of 140 lots, and a minimum starting bid of $3.00 per item, encouraging lively bidding. A maximum of 8 items per member is the current standard. The club does not take any percentage. The payout to both seller and buyer takes place immediately at the end of the auction. All the payouts are concluded within 15 minutes of the last auction item is sold.
We are usually finished by 7:30 PM.
Please see auction guidelines below this page.
Premium Auctions occur several times per year and members are encouraged to show case their items the month before and separate tables are set up to control these items. A minimum starting bid of $20.00 is required. MAXIMUM of eight [8] items only.
The number of items for both the live and premium auctions must not exceed eight items.
Member trading takes place from 4:45 0to 5:45.
Business meeting :- 5:45 - 6:00
Member bid boards area available.
Member sales counters / tables are available.
FREE Numerous door prizes.
-50:50 draws at each meeting. Tickets 1 for $2 or 3 for $5.
-50:50 POT return to members average.~ $30.00 - $50.00]

Auction Guidelines:
Each item submitted for auction must have an Auction Identification tag attached.
Each paid-up and member in good standing will be issued their individual ID Auction Number. Good for the entire time of membership. see Auction Director
Each member shall present their Master Auction Control Sheet to the auction director immediately upon placing items on the auction table.
Maximum of 8 lots for sale per person.
Minimum reserve value per item: $3.00.
No maximum value per item.
Bidders will have an opportunity to view the items for sale one hour before the live auction commences.
Unsold items must be reclaimed by the seller at the end of the auction.
The PEACE ARCH STAMP CLUB will not assume any liability or be liable for any claim for loss or damage.
Auction Identification Tags, see Auction Director for your sheet of Tags. Please print your own after the club is issued.
Auction Control Sheet, see Auction Director [ Ann]
for your sheet of Tags. Please print your own after the club has been issued to you.
page updated on Jan 18,2016
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